Hi Chris,
Basically it's not an office system this is just for a home call screening system. Our phone line is being plagued by debt collectors for people that had our number before us and so we had it changed to another number.. and now we get 3 times as many phone calls for 3 different people
So.. I found teleflow and decided it would be a neat idea to have some options for incoming calls like this:
Press one for <surname>
Press two for <surname>
Press three for <surname>
- All of those will then go to a message saying that the person no longer has this number and will then hangup the call.
Meanwhile option 5 (which isn't announced) is the option to be selected to ring through to the phone in our home (hence the queueing topic - it can play music while the phone is ringing).
So.. the setup is 1 analog phone line (I think its analogue? - It works with DTMF tones but also carries a ADSL signal for the internet) and a normal landline phone.
I figured that if someone selects option 5 then somehow teleflow could make the phone ring, when its answered then the incoming calls music can be stopped and the call patched through..
Can this be done? - I've got most of it setup and working via the simulator and it must be said teleflow has certainly made this all very easy.
You guys should make a version for smartphone users so they can decide how to handle their calls - you'd probably make a lot of money from an app for smartphones!