In this version, the body field and attachment fields are one and the same. In other words, the email step expects the email body as a text attachment, and if it doesn't get it, it does not include any body text. We've had another instance of this show up in the newest version of TeleFlow, which is why I asked for the version number. The issue has been reported to our engineering department, and will likely be changed in a future version of TeleFlow. In the mean time, you are stuck with the functionality the way it is.
<br>Here are two suggested work arounds:
<br>(1) Instead of supplying the body text in the body field, use a Write Text step to output your text to a file, then attach that file.
<br>(2) Obtain a 3rd party mail client that is a console application, or allows console execution. You can then call this mail program using the TeleFlow Run Program step.