TeleFlow Forums

System Global Variables
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Author:  mmanavi [ Fri Mar 12, 2004 12:37 pm ]
Post subject: 

How can I create system wide global variables. <br>I.e. A program runs in 4 lines. I want a signle defined variable that can be accessed from any line. You may call the PUBLIC variables or Global Segment Variables. <br> <br>Any line can set this variable and any line can read this variable. <br> <br>Any ideas?

Author:  Chris [ Fri Mar 12, 2004 4:46 pm ]
Post subject: 

Currently, the only way to "communicate" between different port's applications is to use a database. (or text files) <br> <br>If you are simply looking to soft-code certain configuration settings within your application, I would recommend a single row 'ivrconfig' table, with all of the different fields you wish to be able to modify. Gather the row each time a call comes in, so your settings take effect at the beginning of every call. <br> <br>If, however, this is something that needs to be available for "communication" between ports, you would need to come up with a database/text file communication protocol of your own design. <br> <br>If you could describe the particular issue in a reply, we might be able to provide an alternative suggestion/approach for what you have in mind.

Author:  mmanavi [ Sat Mar 13, 2004 12:03 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thank you for your reply. <br> <br>Basically in our eight port system, restaurant tables are allocated to caller. I want to make sure that no one table is allocated to two simulatanious callers. Therefore if I had system wide global (PUBLIC) variables, I could assign the reference value of that table to that PUBLIC variable while I do other work with caller. Then other lines would check these PUBLIC variables and if table reference is found(in the public vars) then it would not offer that table because its value is still set in the PUBLIC variable. <br> <br>You need pre-defined public vars such as: <br>Integer 128 of them <br>eg @PUB_INT_0 to @PUB_INT_127 <br>Sting size 64 128 of them <br>eg @PUB_STR_0 to @PUB_STR_127 <br> <br>This is important and it can also be used for Semaphoring.

Author:  Chris [ Thu Mar 25, 2004 4:57 pm ]
Post subject: 

We certainly understand your desire for 'server-wide' global variables. This is something we may consider for a future revision of TeleFlow. <br> <br>Of course, at this time, it does mean you would need to consider another approach. <br> <br>With a table with these restaurant reference values - one per row - you could add port field. Then use the TeleFlow system variable @PORT to populate it. When a call is ended, set the port field to 0. So, when you need a new reference to offer, select where port = 0, in addition to any other criteria. Then update the port for that reference to @PORT. And so on.

Author:  Awgeewhiz [ Tue Mar 30, 2004 11:25 am ]
Post subject: 

Another possibility would be to use windows environmental variables to pass information. There are various ways to set/read both user and system variables. Just remember they are stored in the registry and may cause it to grow significantly. I don't particularly like using temp files to communicate between processes but would suggest that a small ram drive for the files would improve the I/O throughput time.

Author:  mmanavi [ Tue Mar 30, 2004 11:39 am ]
Post subject: 

We have written up something and I shall forward it to Jim Coulter. It provides description for a TASK that reads and assigns PUBLIC(Server Wide) variables.

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