According to this, at the end of your log clip:
2013/11/23 17:21:16.614: [537] Menu
2013/11/23 17:21:16.614: TIMEOUT is '15000'
2013/11/23 17:21:16.614: Grammar is ''
2013/11/23 17:21:16.614: Grammar Text is ''
2013/11/23 17:21:16.614: Call Status (lps0)
2013/11/23 17:21:16.614: ATDX_HOOKST (1)
2013/11/23 17:21:30.217: Attempting ag_unlisten, lines[curLine].chdev = 0x1
2013/11/23 17:21:30.217: ag_unlisten - failure
2013/11/23 17:21:30.217: dx_close
2013/11/23 17:21:30.217: ReleaseLine done.
2013/11/23 17:21:30.217: HANGUP
it isn't crashing at all, and it isn't happening during the Play for RepeatRandomAssign.
This looks like a hangup was detected after about 14 seconds of silence in the Menu step. Is the 15000 (15 second) timeout intentional? From a caller's perspective, they'd hear 15 seconds of silence before that step would timeout/exit in any way. Most callers would hang up by or before that point.