This is not a licensing issue. Unlicensed ports will operate in an unlicensed state, which will allow your application to run, but play an advertisement message.
<br>The error you are getting actually means that the port requested is greater than the number of ports available in the system. You would get this message if, for example, you tried to run an application on port 25 of a single T1 system (either 23 or 24 ports depending on protocol).
<br>The other reason why this could occur, and likely why it is happening in your case, is that the telephony board has not been started. In that case, the available port count is zero. Every application will report that the port requested is out of range (ie: port 4 > 0).
<br>To correct the problem, ensure that TeleFlow Server (TFServer.exe) is not running, and re-boot the boards with OAMSYS.
<br>If you are running TeleFlow Server as a service, you will want to configure your cards to start with Windows. This is covered in the help file at the topic TeleFlow Server -> TeleFlow Server as a Service.