Verify that the board is started using the Dialogic Configuration Manager.
<br>Also, check that the Horoscope Demo for Dialogic will answer the phone. If it doesn't answer, TeleFlow most certainly won't. Do not run Dialogic's demo AND TeleFlow Server at the same time, either. This is sure to cause problems.
<br>Unfortunately, the "teleflow system setup" application has fallen a little out of date. Officially, we do not support any ISA boards on any platform. If the Dialogic demo works, TeleFlow *should* work. Since it is an ISA board, we can make no promises. If the demo works, but TeleFlow is still stuck at the board query, you can send a log to of the stuck board query. Make the subject line read: DEVNET: Stuck board query
<br>If there is anything obvious, someone will respond in this thread. If not, we will likely recommend moving to a newer (PCI) supported board instead.