I got a busy signal... is this service still running?
In any case:
Is the demo greeting playing properly, but the lotto application audio isn't?
Did you run Lotto.TAP exactly as it was when downloaded? The demo application is set for Simulator mode by default.
To get it to run on your hardware, try the following steps:
1) Start a new application in TeleFlow, selecting the Lottery app, and choose "Intel / Dialogic" for the hardware selection.
2) When the application opens, you will be prompted to create the necessary voice files. Click "Yes".
3) When the conversion is complete, save the application to a location of your choosing.
4) Redefine the .TAL file you set up to run the newly saved Lotto.TAP that is set up for Dialogic.
5) Restart TeleFlow Server.
You should now hear the scripts playing properly.