We are running a trial version of TeleFlow server. Our aim is to be able to connect a Dialogic D/4PCIUF to a Nortel BCM phone switch. The Nortel supports up to four analog extensions and provides CLID. I assume we can use these.
You should be able to, yes. Basically, each line in the Dialogic card on the IVR is like a regular analog phone. So, what you can do when you plug one of these analog extensions into an plain old analog phone, you should be able to do using the Dialogic card.
The BCM supports Hunt Groups, so the idea would be that first calls would be routed to the IVR. Then, when all IVR lines are busy, the calls are automatically sent to the extensions for operators to pick up. Is this the correct way to go about doing this?
"Correct" in this case is mostly a matter of what you are trying to accomplish. If the goal is that the IVR handle as much traffic as it can, and the operators handle the overflow, then yes, your suggestion works.
More importantly, our application has an option to speak to an operator. We have been told that we will not be able to get release link transfer to work unless the protocol variant is NI2, and we activate "2 B Transfer" feature. If possible, we would still like the CallerID to be retained after the transfer to allow for call popping (to avoid using messy database/text files)
However, as far as I am aware, NI2 applies to North America only? Also, could you explain what the 2B Transfer actually is? We will most likely be using BCM50 with BRI or Analogue Lines. None of our customers have PRI/ISDN30. What would be your suggestion in order for us to get transfers working?
As for the transfers, and the protocols in use, it sounds like there is some confusion about what you are trying to do and/or where in the mix the IVR is.
If you are strictly looking at a Dialogic analog card, your transfer options would be:
- Flash-hook transfer, assuming the analog extensions support it. After a flash-hook transfer, there is a connection between your caller and operator, but the IVR and its extensions should be out of the loop, freeing the analog extensions for more calls. (You still have limitations on the number of simultaneous calls through the PBX, obviously)
- Switch transfer: Uses two of your analog extensions; one line is occupied with your caller, the other with your operator. The two lines remain occupied for the remainder of the conversation between caller and operator.
In analog, there is no NI2. NI2 is an ISDN protocol variant. You can't use it with an analog card. Release link transfer on an ISDN NI2 circuit is available in TeleFlow, although only on the NMS platform(I.e. You can't do this in Dialogic with TeleFlow). This transfer means that when the two parties (the party requesting the call transfer, and the called party) are connected, the connection to the two channels on the ISDN circuit connected to your IVR is freed up. (So, those two parties are now talking, and the IVR is out of the picture.)