We prefer to run with the NI2 (National ISDN 2) protocol variant. It generally has greater support for "optional" functionality. Nonetheless, sending caller id "should" be possible with others.
<br>Here is where you can get an ISDN service spec for NI2:
<br><a href="http://www.engenic.com/T1_ISDN_Service_Specs_NMS.pdf
" target="_new">www.engenic.com/T1_ISDN_Service_Specs_NMS.pdf
<br>I would also recommend that you "Just try it" with your current circuit, assuming you have one. The Place Call step in TeleFlow Designer has a "Caller Id to send" field, which allows you to populate caller id you want to send. Try that out, and see if it works the way you are set up now. If it does, your current configuration is just fine.