TeleFlow Step 0386

TeleFlow Step 0386

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Image:Iv_386.gif TCP Connect Step
Establishes a TCP connection with a TCP/IP host (or peer).


Host Name or IP Address: Host name or IP address of the TCP/IP host to establish a connection with. The host name or IP address may optionally be followed by a port specifier e.g. If the Host Port # field is not left empty, the Host Port# will override any port specified in this field.

Host port #: Port of TCP/IP host to establish a connection with. This field may be left blank if the port is specified in the Host Name or IP Address field. This field will override any port specified in the Host Name or IP Address field.

Use SSL?: Check this box if you are connecting to a TCP server using secure sockets layer.

TIMEOUT (ms): Time to wait for a connection, in milliseconds, before following the TIMEOUT path. If left blank, a value of 500 ms is used.

Variable to receive Socket Handle: TeleFlow variable to accept the socket handle generated by the TCP connection. This variable stores the socket handle for use with other TCP steps. A FATAL error will be generated if this field is left blank.

Action Steps

Image:Iv_920.gif Time Out: Unable to connect in the time specified.
Image:Iv_930.gif Fail: Unable to resolve host name or IP address, or to acquire a socket from the operating system. Please see the log for failure details.

Related Steps

Image:Iv_387.gif TCP Disconnect
Image:Iv_389.gif TCP Receive
Image:Iv_388.gif TCP Send