TeleFlow Board API
From TeleFlow
This section defines the TeleFlow Server API function calls and software relationships the used within TeleFlow Server. This document should be helpful for creating applications using TeleFlow Server as the base. Developers of TeleFlow Server software require this document for creating and compiling additional functions into TeleFlow.
This document is to serve as a method for sharing ideas and ensuring all aspects of development and documentation have been accounted for. Additional documents related to the project development may also be included as appendices.
During the design process, all parties involved will need to review the document to ensure accuracy. Please also ensure you do your best to conform to the C++ Programming Practices for TeleFlow.
Server Code Structure
This section provides a brief description of how the components of the open source environment relate together.
Server Layer
Engine Layer
- TFEngine.dll
- xmlutil.dll
- esctl.dll
- inet.dll
Generic Board Layer
- TF Board API (board generic)
- english.dll
- french.dll
- spanish.dll
Specific TeleFlow Board Layer
- brd_simulator
Note: Other board dlls are available to drive Ai-Logix, Dialogic, NMS Communications etc. Note: Open source competitions will mostly focus in this area.
Hardware Vendor API Layer
- Vendors API
- PC Multimedia
API Function Calls
This section describes the list of API function calls.
IV_STATUS Return Values
- defined in ivr_defs.h
IVR_SUCCESS | Function was successful |
IVR_HANGUP | Caller hung up |
IVR_ NOTSUPPORTED | Function not supported either by hardware or software |
IVR_SHUTDOWN | System requested a shutdown and shutdown is permitted |
IVR_RELOAD | Redundant |
IVR_FAIL | Function failed due to external conditions such as hardware |
IVR_FATAL | Function has encountered a critical error and cannot continue |
IVR_TIMEOUT | Function specific |
IVR_BUSY | PlaceCall encounters a busy signal |
IVR_NO_VOICE | AudioVoiceRecognise detects no voice signal |
IVR_THRESHOLD | AudioVoiceRecognise recognition certainty is below threshold |
IVR_GENERIC_TIMEOUT | The generic timer was set and not properly handled |
IVR_GENERIC_EVENT | The generic event was set and not properly handled |
Enumerated Board Constants
callMode { newLine, existingLine }
- defined in brd_generic.h
- newLine indicates the port is not currently in use
- existing indicates the port is currently in use
state { good, bad }
- Redundant
- Redundant
Board Variables
bool | lineOffHook | TRUE if line off hook |
int | curLine; | IVR port that this thread is using (-1 when not in use) |
PIVRINFO | pInfo; | Thread application information |
bool | bBrdInit; | True if board is initialized. |
Log* | ivLog; | Application log |
char* | TTSDirectory; | Text To Speech file directory |
int | lastLine; | Last IVR port on the system |
time_t | callStart; | Time at which a call is placed or answered |
time_t | callEnd; | Time at which the last hang up occurred |
BRD_LINE | lines[MAX_LINES]; | Groundwork for IVR port independent threads? Currently only lines[curLine] contains any useful information |
SignalEvent<int>* | mySignal; | Recvs events from Service/Monitor. |
HANDLE | hEvent; | Signalled on Service/Monitor events. |
HANDLE | hWaitTimer; | Used for handling timeouts. |
HANDLE | hGenericTimer; | Used as a general timer by anyone. |
HANDLE* | waitObjects; | List of wait objects to monitor. |
HINSTANCE | library; | Handle to instance of this .dll for audio resources |
unsigned | numWaitObjects; | No. of objects in 'waitObjects'. |
CCriticalSection | cs; | |
const char* | speakAudioExtension; |
BoardGeneric(PIVRINFO pIVRInfo)
- relies on pIVRInfo for system event queue mySignal
- relies on pIVRInfo for board DLL file name
- loads board DLL
- derived classes are responsible for board specific initialization
- releases board DLL
- derived classes are responsible for board specific clean up
Generic Board Functions (Implemented in base class BoardGeneric)
IV_STATUS AudioCopy(char* srcFile, char* dstFile)
- To be moved to TFEngine
IV_STATUS AudioDelete(char* filename)
- To be moved to TFEngine
IV_STATUS AudioPlay(const char* filename, bool interruptable, SOUND_FORMAT format, int volLevel, bool fancy)
- calls derived class AudioStartPlay() with the same parameters and then calls derived class AudioWaitForPlayStop()
- Message Review Mode (fancy true) is not supported at this level but can be overided at the derived class for implementation (such as for NMS)
- boards that do not support asynchronous playback can overide this function
- additional message playback control is available if fancy is true:
1: rewind 2 seconds 2: pause/resume playback 3: fast forward 2 seconds 4: decrease speed 5: set speed to default 6: increase speed 7: decrease volume 8: set volume to default 9: increase volume 0, *, #:end playback
IV_STATUS AudioRecord(const char* filename, bool interruptable, SOUND_FORMAT format, int volLevel, int maxRecTime, int maxSilence, bool disableBeep)
- calls derived class AudioStartRecord() with the same parameters and then calls derived class AudioWaitForRecordStop()
- boards that do not support asynchronous recording can overide this function
IV_STATUS AudioSpeak(char* string, bool interruptable, char* langDir, int volLevel, int spkFormat)
- speaks string of text using a combination of up to 49 different speech files according to spkFormat:
SPKFMT_DIGITS | Currently unused |
SPKFMT_NUMBER | Currently unused |
SPKFMT_DATE | Month Day Year (str must be in MM/DD, MM/DD/YY, or MM/DD/YYYY format) |
SPKFMT_12HOUR | 12 hour clock format, other spkFormat will default to 24 hour clock format (str must be in HH:MM or HH:MM:YY format) |
SPKFMT_24HOUR | Currently unused |
SPKFMT_MONEY | Currently unused |
SPKFMT_ALPHA | Currently unused |
SPKFMT_MONTHYEAR | Month Year (str must be in MM/DD, MM/DD/YY, or MM/DD/YYYY format) |
SPKFMT_MONTHDAY | Month Day (str must be in MM/DD, MM/DD/YY, or MM/DD/YYYY format) |
- type of spkFormat needs to be changed from int to SPEAK_FORMAT_TYPE
- uses audio files in the langDir directory
- plays audio files at volume level volLevel, currently -3 to 3, by calling board specific AudioPlay()
- volume level range will be changed to 1 to 10
- speech can be interrupted if interruptable is true
void ClearGenericEvent(void)
- clears hGenericEvent
time_t GetCallEndTime(void) const
- returns the value of callEnd
time_t GetCallStartTime(void) const
- returns the value of callStart
IV_STATUS GetDigit(char* ivNextTT, int newTime)
- waits up to newTime for a touch tone and puts the touch tone in ivNextTT
- calls derived class GetDigits() for 1 digit
- returns IVR_TIMEOUT if newTime seconds have elapsed with no touch tones received
bool GetLineOnHook(void) const
- returns true if port is on hook, returns false otherwise
IV_STATUS ProcessSystemEvent(void)
- gets system event from the event queue mySignal, processes as appropriate and returns either IVR_SUCCESS or IVR_SHUTDOWN
void SetGenericEvent(HANDLE event)
- sets hGenericEvent to event
IV_STATUS WaitForEvent(BoardEvent* boardEvent, long timeout = FOREVER)
- waits up to timeout ms for an event from mySignal, hWaitTimer, hGenericTimer, hGenericEvent or a board event
- copies board event to boardEvent if board event occurs
- returns IVR_TIMEOUT if timeout ms elapses
- returns IVR_GENERIC_TIMEOUT if hGenericTimer is signalled
- returns IVR_GENERIC_EVENT if hGenericTimer is signalled
IV_STATUS WaitForSpecificEvent(BoardEvent* desiredEvent, BoardEvent* boardEvent, long timeout = FOREVER)
- waits up to timeout ms for an event from mySignal, hWaitTimer, hGenericTimer, hGenericEvent or a until the desired board event occurs
- copies board event to boardEvent if desired board event occurs
IV_STATUS WaitWhilePaused(void)
- pause until signalled to proceed
- only TFSimulator overides this function currently, others simply return IVR_SUCCESS
- intended for future use
Board Specific Functions (implemented in derived class)
IV_STATUS AudioBeep(void)
- plays 100 ms 1 kHz tone if there is no touch tone in the board's queue
IV_STATUS AudioPlayEvalMessage(void)
- plays evaluation message audio
IV_STATUS AudioStartPlay(const char* filename, bool interruptable, SOUND_FORMAT format, int volLevel)
- starts asynchronous playing of file filename in audio format format at volume volLevel (-3 to 3)
- volume level range will be changed to 1 to 10
- current valid SOUND_FORMATS are:
TF_BY_EXTENSION | uses file name extension to determine format |
TF_VOX | Dialogic only: OKI ADPCM 8kHz 4bps |
TF_WAV_8KHZ_16BIT | NMS, Ai-Logix and TFSimulator only |
TF_VCE_24 | NMS only |
- playback stops when a touch tone is pressed and interruptable is true and fancy is false, the call is disconnected, or the end of the file is reached
IV_STATUS AudioStartRecord(const char* filename, bool interruptable, SOUND_FORMAT format, int volLevel, int maxRecTime, int maxSilence, bool disableBeep)
- starts asynchronous recording up to maxRecTime ms of audio to file filename in audio format format at volume volLevel (-3 to 3)
- volume level range will be changed to 1 to 10
- doesn't play beep that precedes recording if disableBeep is true
- current valid SOUND_FORMATS are:
TF_BY_EXTENSION | uses file name extension to determine format |
TF_VOX | Dialogic only: OKI ADPCM 8kHz 4bps |
TF_WAV_8KHZ_16BIT | NMS, Ai-Logix and TFSimulator only |
TF_VCE_24 | NMS only |
- records stops when a touch tone is pressed and interruptable is true, the call is disconnected, maxSilence ms of silence elapses, or maxRecTime ms have elapsed
IV_STATUS AudioStopPlay(void)
- stops play started with AudioStartPlay()
IV_STATUS AudioStopRecord(void)
- stops record started with AudioStartRecord()
IV_STATUS AudioRecognise(const char* grammar, int timeout, int silenceTimeout)
- sends up to timeout ms of audio to Nuance Voice Recognition engine using grammar grammar
- ends audio after silenceTimeout ms of silence
IV_STATUS BlockCalls(void)
- blocks port so that calls cannot be placed or received
IV_STATUS CallTrigger(const char* triggerList, const char*& trigger, int& triggerInfo, long timeout)
- waits up to timeout ms for a board level event that is in triggerList, copies a pointer to the event name string to trigger and copies secondary information to triggerInfo
- returns IVR_TIMEOUT if timeout ms elapse
IV_STATUS FaxQueueAdd(char* fullFile)
- Adds fullFile to faxFileQ list (creates list if faxFileQ is NULL)
- currently implemented for NMS only
IV_STATUS FaxQueueClr(void)
- Clears items in faxFileQ, sets faxFileQ to NULL
- currently implemented for NMS only
IV_STATUS FaxReceive(char* file, char* SID)
- Copies the subscriber ID string to SID if SID is not NULL
- Stores the incoming fax in file
IV_STATUS FaxSend(char* phoneNo, char* ringStr, char* sendSID)
- calls PlaceCall() phoneNo, waits up to ringStr rings and sends queued faxes upon a succesful fax connection, sending sendSID as the subscriber ID
- returns the value of PlacCall() if PlaceCall() is unsuccessful
IV_STATUS FlashHook(long flashTime)
- flashes the port with a duration of flashTime ms
void FlushDigits(void)
- removes any pending touch tones from the board’s touch tone queue
IV_STATUS GenerateDigits(char* ttStr)
- generates touch tones for character in ttStr (0...9, A...D, *, # and ,’ or . for pauses)
IV_STATUS GetDigits(unsigned count, char* digits, int newTime, char* ttOkay, char* ttDone)
- puts touch tones that match those in ttOkay, in the order received, in digits until count touch tones are received, a touch tone from ttDone is received, or newTime seconds expire between touch tones (including before first touch tone)
- returns IVR_TIMEOUT if newTime seconds have elapsed without a touch tone
IV_STATUS Hangup(bool returnHangup = false, char* pszCause = NULL)
- sets port on hook
- pszCause is unused and will be removed
- returns IVR_SUCCESS if returnHangup is false
- returns IVR_HANGUP if returnHangup is true
IV_STATUS LoadWebDocument(const char* request, int timeout, const char* filename, SOUND_FORMAT format, int volLevel, char*& result)
- plays file filename of audio format format at volume volLevel while loading the document specified by request into a string created for result
- waits for up to timeout ms after file playback finishes for document
- returns IVR_FAIL if the http request comes back with an error or if the O/S returns a socket error and creates a string with the error code for result
- returns IVR_TIMEOUT if the host does not respond after 3 attempts that wait 500ms each or if timeout ms elapse after playback of the file filename finishes and creates a string with as much text as has already been received for result
- returns IVR_NOTSUPPORTED if an unsupported protocol such as https is used
IV_STATUS Pickup(void)
- sets port off hook
- returns IVR_HANGUP if line does not connect
IV_STATUS PlaceCall(char* digits, char* callerID, int numrings, callMode mode)
- sets board off hook if mode is newLine or flash hooks if mode is existingLine
- passes callerID with the dial string if the protocol is “isd0” (NMS only)
- dials digits and waits at most 30 seconds for a connection within numrings rings
- NMS sets @SYS_CALL_STATUS to one of the following values:
- returns IVR_HANGUP if there is an incoming call on the port; returns IVR_TIMEOUT if the call did not connect within numrings rings or 30 seconds; returns IVR_BUSY if a busy signal is detected
IV_STATUS ProcessBoardEvent(BoardEvent* boardEvent, bool& bFound)
- called by BoardGeneric::WaitForEvent() to do special processing of board events
- bFound is set to false if the event should not end BoardGeneric::WaitForEvent()
IV_STATUS QueryDigit(char& digit)
- copies the first touch tone in the board queue to digit or '\0' if there is none
IV_STATUS SetParameter(char* pszParm, DWORD dwParmValue)
- set hardware parameter pszParm on board to dwParmValue
IV_STATUS Switch(int newPort)
- connects port with port newPort
IV_STATUS UnblockCalls(void)
- unblocks previously blocked port so that calls can be placed or received
IV_STATUS UnSwitch(void)
- unswitches a previously switched port
IV_STATUS WaitForCall(long timeout, int numrings, bool pickup, char* calledDigits, char* callingDigits, char* handsetDisplay)
- waits up to timeout seconds (or FOREVER) and numrings rings for a call to come in
- picks up call if pickup is true
- copies the DNIS to calledDigits if calledDigits is not NULL
- copies the ANI to callingDigits if callingDigits is not NULL
- copies the handset display to handsetDisplay if handsetDisplay is not NULL
- returns IVR_TIMEOUT if a call does not come in before timeout seconds elapse