TeleFlow Step 0751

TeleFlow Step 0751

From TeleFlow

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Image:Iv_751.gif Set Media for VoIP
Sets parameters required for SIP VoIP support in an application.



Media IP Address: The IP address the VoIP media transmits across. On systems with multiple network connections it is important to set the correct IP address. If the network will dynamically re-assign this value, some external mechanism must provide that information back to the application so that these settings can be updated.

Media IP Port: The port for VoIP media transmission for this application. Generally speaking, it is a good idea to have a variable @VOIP_PORT that is set to some base value, plus twice the application port number. Example: assign @VOIP_PORT to 7999 + @PORT

Media Payloads: This is a prioritized list of the media payloads that are acceptable for this application. Example: for SIP, "0 8 4" indicates that the preferred payload is G7.11 uLaw, followed by G7.11 aLaw, followed by G7.26.

The numeric codes used follow the Payload Type Definitions in RFC 3551. The most common media payloads supported by TeleFlow are in the following table:

Payload Type Encoding
0 G711_U
4 G723
8 G711_A
18 G729

Prioritize Client/Server Payloads: When a SIP call comes in, the standard specifies that the highest priority client media payload that is also in the server's media payloads list, is the payload that should be used (default behaviour: Client). This may be undesirable for bandwidth reasons. Selecting the Server radio button chooses the highest priority (first in list) server media payload that is also in the client's media payloads list.

Action Steps


Supported Telephony Hardware Platforms

NMS Communications

Related Steps

Image:Iv_750.gif Register SIP URI
Image:Iv_010.gif Wait for Call