TeleFlow BasicScript AndOrXorNot

TeleFlow BasicScript AndOrXorNot

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AND, OR, XOR and NOT are logical operators performing element-wise logic, returning true (nonzero) or false (zero) as follows:


AND: if both values on the left and the right side of the operator are different from zero, then AND returns one, otherwise it returns zero.

OR: if at least one value from the left or the right side of the operator is different from zero, then OR returns one, otherwise it returns zero.

XOR: if one and only one value from the left or the right side of the operator is different from zero, then OR returns one, otherwise it returns zero.

NOT: if the value on the right side of this operator is zero, NOT returns one, otherwise it returns zero.

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Image:Iv_517.gif BasicScript


BasicScript code      Result
print (3 AND 2) 1
print (3 OR 2) 1
print (3 XOR 2) 0
print (3 NOT 2) 0