TeleFlow Step 0372

TeleFlow Step 0372

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Image:Iv_372.gif UDP Receive
Listens for incoming packets on a particular port (specified by the socket handle of a previous UDP Bind step), and receives a packet of data.


Socket Handle: Socket handle (generated by the UDP Bind step) to listen to.

Variable to receive Peer: TeleFlow variable to receive the host name or IP address of the sending peer.

Variable to receive Port: TeleFlow variable to store the remote peer's sending port, as received in the UDP packet.

Variable to receive Message: TeleFlow variable to receive the message data into.

TIMEOUT (ms): Time (in milliseconds) to wait for a message to be received before following the TIMEOUT path. If left blank, the current value of @TIMEOUT (default 3000) is used.

Hexadecimal representation: Checking this checkbox indicates that the data loaded into the 'Variable to receive Message' should be represented as a sequence of hexadecimal nibbles. Use this setting to receive binary data. Note that 2 nibbles represent 1 byte of data.

Uppercase: Checking this checkbox indicates that the hexadecimal nibbles should use UPPER case ('A'..'F').

Action Steps

clip0003Time Out: No message received in the time specified.
Image:iv_930.gifFail: Unable to receive message, for a cause other than timeout, typically due to an invalid socket or a socket error. Please see the log for failure details.

Related Steps

Image:Iv_370.gif UDP Bind
Image:Iv_371.gif UDP Close
Image:Iv_373.gif UDP Send