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This page is an overview of the components that comprise TeleFlow. Included in this area is breakdowns of the software developed under the TeleFlow name, management solutions, hardware and driver support, as well as other important information. For an overview of the TeleFlow product, and a brief history of its development, click here.

TeleFlow software includes the following editions:

Please refer to the TeleFlow Feature Matrix for a breakdown of the functions available in each edition of TeleFlow.


Software and Files

Application Programs

The various TeleFlow programs used to design, test, configure and run TeleFlow applications are described here. This software is described in greater detail with in this web site, and also in the TeleFlow Help file which should be located in the TeleFlow Windows Programs menu. You should be able to locate these applications as follows:

  • TFDesigner: There should be an option for TeleFlow Designer in the Start > Programs > TeleFlow menu.
  • TFSimulator: Can be run from within the Designer to test the application the Designer has open.
  • TFLineList, TFConfig, TFServer and TFMonitor: These programs, except for the Server, can be located in the Start > Programs > TeleFlow menu. The Server is typically started as a Windows Service, or in some cases (Legacy in particular), in console mode from a batch file or at a DOS/Command Prompt)

For a complete list of programs, please refer to the TeleFlow Programs section. There is also a walk through on how to get started with TeleFlow found here.

Version Information

Please see the TeleFlow Version Numbers for information on how TeleFlow version numbers have been assigned before February 29, 2008 and after.

File Structure

The file structures for TeleFlow application files is currently using Tap/Tam as well as XML. The XML is used exclusively for the design environment, and is intended for sharing applications, and example code. Refer to the TeleFlow File Types section for a break down of the files that are found in an application that are specific to TeleFlow.

A TeleFlow VXML application has also been developed which provides a means to output TeleFlow Tap/Tam to VXML structures. Please refer to TeleFlow VXML for more information and progress on it's development. Please note that TeleFlow VXML is an open source project.


The TeleFlow Design environment is expressed by linking Steps together to create flowcharts. For a list of steps used by the application, please refer to the XML documents supplied with the TeleFlow installation (tf_*.xml), or here.

Development Road Map

TeleFlow and its related products are being updated to support new services, and capabilities. For a description of where TeleFlow is being taken, click here.

Help Documentation

TeleFlow has a Windows (.Chm) help file, which comes with the installation, as well as online help located in the following link:

Software Installation System

TeleFlow is installed on server computers using WiX, and open source installation environment provided by Microsoft. WiX files are made available to certain distributors of TeleFlow in order to co-brand TeleFlow. If you are interested in co-branding TeleFlow, please contact sales.

Information on how to create WiX for TeleFlow is located here.

Developing a TeleFlow Application

Developing a TeleFlow application can be a one person effort, but is often a multi-person effort as there are a number of skills that are involved. Defining the need, determining the scripts, building the application, and recording the voice scripts all require different skills.

Online Help

The help manual that comes with TeleFlow is also provided online at the following location:

Conversion Tools

If you are upgrading from an existing system which is reaching is end of life, there are conversion tools that can help you save some of the existing system in order to minimize your development time. For example, Expert System's EASE, which no longer exists, file structure was VAP Files. VAP files can be converted to wave using tools found within the TeleFlow installation.

Development Environment

Although TeleFlow includes many of the applications you need to develop a solution with, it certainly does not provide everything. Recording and editing voice work, for example, should be done using a product which has been developed specifically for that task. Automation around a TeleFlow application should be provided by a complete programming environment like PHP. In fact, PHP is a bit part of the TeleFlow Development Road Map. For information on software we recommend setting up for creating your TeleFlow application, click here.

System Installation and Configuration

System Installation can range from being a straightforward effort, to a drawn out and laborious task involving several companies and telecommunications experts. Telecommunications technology is one of humanities' greatest achievements, and involves literally thousands of engineering standards that have been implemented in different manners across the world. For this reason, more complex installations at the enterprise level may be best handled by professionals who know the ropes.

For installation, configuration and troubleshooting for hardware and protocols supported by TeleFlow, click here.

Once a system is up and running, it must be managed and maintained, or it will eventually fail. Preventative maintenance is an essential aspect of any computer telecommunications solution.

Marketing and Community

Marketing Plan

As of March 2008, much of marketing involving TeleFlow will be specifically managed from The community shall be provided with opportunities to generate revenue based on skills and ability to distribute.

Managing a Server Environment

Please refer to this section on how to manage a TeleFlow System.


For a definition of terms, please refer to the TeleFlow Glossary.